It is getting close to Christmas. Thanksgiving is going to be next week, after that, four weeks of the onslaught of Commercialmas to make sure that you know that Christmas is on its way. Catalogues have made their way to our house already, but there is one that we recieved that is different. There is one where we can buy a pig or a goat or 5 years of vaccinations for less than a TV. Even a small one.
Jenn and I have spent a good part of the last year sponsoring a young girl from the Dominican Republic. We have gotten pictures and letters, and we have enjoyed putting together cards for her as well. The price isn't much. Under 40 bucks. Easy. That is a week of coffee. Or Two coffee free days every week. Man up, you can go two days without hitting Starbucks. They don't have to be consecutive.
I am asking you to consider going over to Compassion International's website find a kid (cute, ugly, young, old, whatever) and sponsor them. Starbucks will understand.
See this comic? It is nothing like this.